Paediatric Dentist Dr Kathy Harley working at Dawood and Tanner Dental Practice in Marylebone

Kathy Harley

GDC 56124 Registered Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry

Consultant in Paediatric DentistryBDS MSc FDSRCS(Edin), FDSRCS(Eng), FDSRCPS(Glas), FFGDP FFDRCSI

I Graduated from Guy’s in 1981 and completed a Masters degree in Conservative Dentistry at the Eastman Dental Institute in 1986. I was appointed Consultant and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Dentistry at the Eastman in 1991. In 1999 I took up the position of Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry at the Edinburgh Dental Institute where I was also Head of Department until 2011 when I became Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. I returned to London in 2015 to take up a consultant post at the Eastman Dental Hospital and subsequently moved to join the Paediatric Dental team at Great Ormond Street Hospital in March 2018.

I am also actively involved in dento-legal work, working regularly with Medical Protection. In 2010, I completed ten years as a member of the Board of Dental Protection, having been Chairman from 2006. My main area of clinical interest is the restorative treatment of dental anomalies. I am still one of the only Consultants in Paediatric Dentistry to have undergone a formal training in adult conservative dentistry allowing me to adapt techniques used in the treatment of older patients to the developing dentition.

Three children and an equally busy husband ensures life is never dull!

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